3D Game Development Services We Provide

Whether you are looking to create a 3D game from scratch or need assistance with your ongoing project to achieve the desired gaming experience, we offer a wide range of 3D game development services curated to fulfill all of your gaming visions.

Full-cycle 3D Game Development

We have a skilled team of game artists and 3D game developers who will take care of every aspect of your game, from conceptualization of your game idea to art production, gameplay programming, publishing, and more.

3D Game Development With Unity

We have 3D game developers specializing in Unity game development, leveraging its scripting capabilities, features, tools, and more to create gameplay, UI, and more.

3D Game Development With Unreal

Our Unreal game development team enables you to power your 3D game with lifelike visuals, multiplatform support, real-time rendering, and more, by leveraging the engine's robust tools and features.

3D Art & Animation

Bring your game's assets to life with our team of 3D game artists and animators skilled in 3D modeling, texturing, shading, rigging, 3D animation, environment art, VFX, and more, to deliver an immersive gaming experience.

3d game development

Have an Epic 3D Game Concept in Mind?

Let's collaborate to unleash its full potential. From concept to launch, we'll work closely with you every step of the way to ensure that your game exceeds expectations and captivates players worldwide.

game concept

Our 3D Game Development Work

Explore some of the 3D games with stunning visuals and engaging gameplay mechanics showcasing the expertise of our game development team.

Valley of War Game


ROFL Game Design


Team Composition You Get For Your 3D Game Development Project

A 3D game idea as unique as yours requires a skilled and cohesive game development team to execute it. At 300Mind, we have an experienced and diverse team of experts to ensure that every aspect of your game, from game art to UI/UX and development, exceeds expectations.

team girl character team boy character
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Game BA

Responsible for the creation of wireframes, game design documents (GDDs), and more, by working closely with the project manager, development team, and the client.

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Game Concept Artists

Crafts characters, environments, objects, props, NPCs, and more to give a visual identity to your game.

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3D Artists

Responsible for the creation of game assets, including characters, environments, props, and more, using modeling software like Blender or Maya.

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Game Designers

Designs UI/UX for the UI elements of the game and ensures the seamless integration of it with the game mechanics and gameplay experience.

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Game Animators

Works on translating static game assets into 3D animations to make the characters and objects move, emote, and interact with the game environment.

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Game Developers

Uses popular game engines and scripting languages to integrate game assets, construct game environments, implement environment effects, and more.

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Game Sound Engineer

Takes care of sound design, music composition, voiceover production, audio implementation, and more to create an engaging audio experience for the game.

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Game Testers

Identifies and fixes gameplay glitches, bugs, lag, game crashes, performance issues, unexpected character behaviors, and more.

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Project Manager

Responsible for ensuring the achievement of milestones, deadlines, and deliverables, apart from creating a comprehensive project plan.

Looking for an expert 3D game development company for your game idea?

With years of experience and a passion for gaming, we specialize in creating immersive and captivating 3D games that keep players coming back for the gaming experience.

boy for game development

3D Game Development Technology Stack We Use

Here is a list of tools and technologies used by our 3D game developers for creating stunning 3D games across various genres.

  • 3D Game Development Process We Follow

    We not only leverage popular game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine, but we have also perfected our 3D game development process over the years. This has enabled our team to consistently deliver exceptional games to our clients.

  • 1

    Game Advisory & Conceptualization

    Upon understanding your 3D game vision, our team initiates market research to make informed decisions regarding your game concept. Additionally, our team collaborates on idea generation and refines the game concept based on the finalized ideas.

  • 2

    Game Concept Art & Asset Production

    Based on the game concept, our 3D artists begin working on creating level designs, characters, environments, and prop concepts. Furthermore, our team produces the 3D models, animations, audio assets, and more to enhance the visual aspect of your game concept.

  • 3

    Game UI/UX Design

    In this phase, our game designers for hire work on creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the UI layout. Once the UI design has passed usability and functionality tests, our designers integrate it with the game mechanics and gameplay experience.

  • 4

    Game Development & Testing

    Our gameplay programmers code the game's mechanics, functionalities, and more. Once development is complete, our team conducts testing to identify and fix bugs, optimize performance, and ensure gameplay balance.

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    Game Support & Maintenance

    After the game is distributed on the desired platform, our team provides ongoing support to fix any post-launch bugs, improve features, add new levels, update technologies, and more. This ensures seamless performance and an enhanced user experience.

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    Game Live Operations & Monetization

    To enhance the gaming experience of your 3D game, we assist you in implementing in-game events, tournaments, or more, along with monetization strategies. Our team uses Unity Analytics, Firebase Analytics, or similar tools to come up with the best-fit strategies.

Engagement Models We Follow

Whether you're a startup looking for end-to-end 3D game development services or an established gaming company seeking to augment your team with specialized skills, we have an engagement model to suit your requirements.


Ideal for projects with well-defined scope and requirements, our fixed-cost model ensures budget predictability and delivery within agreed-upon timelines.

Flexible Hourly Bucket

Perfect for projects with evolving requirements or those that require ongoing support and maintenance, allowing you to purchase hours and utilize as required.

Dedicated Hiring

Have full control and visibility over the team composition, and our dedicated game professionals who will become an extension of your in-house team.

Why Choose Character Bottom Decoration

Why Choose 300Mind for 3D Game Development Services?

Apart from having experience collaborating with gaming companies and startups, our team has also developed games that have garnered millions of downloads on the Google Play Store and the App Store. Here are some more reasons our 3D game development services in India are worth the investment:

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Industry Best 3D Game Experts

By partnering with us, you gain access to a team of highly skilled game development experts who not only have technical proficiency but are also passionate gamers.

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Creative At Core

From innovative game designs to engaging storylines, eye-catching animations, and more, in every aspect of your 3D game development, our team ensures that your game reflects your vision.

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100% In-house Team

A whole team working under one roof means fewer misunderstandings, faster decision-making, and a more cohesive workflow, ultimately leading to a smoother and more efficient development process.

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Time Zone Aligned

Our team operates within a flexible time zone alignment of +/- 3 hours from your regular shift, ensuring that we are always available when you need us.

A Leading Game Development Studio With Extensive 3D Portfolio

We are a reputed 3D game development company in India with exceptionally skilled game development talent. Our team has experience delivering 3D games that garner millions of downloads across various platforms, including Android, iOS, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and more.

Total Game Download

Games Developed

Avg. Game Ratings

Game Developers

2D and 3D Artists

Motion Graphics Artists

Hear It Straight from Our Clients

Explore the testimonials from our diverse clientele, each expressing their appreciation for the personalized attention, innovative solutions, and exceptional results that we helped them achieve through our unmatched game development services:

It was indeed an amazing experience, to be frank! They helped me make a super thrilling game. Hats off to their dedication & quicker response!

alex r Alex R. Technical Head

Choosing 300Mind was a game-changer for our project. The level of creativity and attention to detail have helped us improve the overall performance of our game.

steven musk Steven Musk CTO

We hired 300Mind to design characters for our marketing campaign from the project pitch to creative delivery, they proved their competency in the field of character modeling.

laura dcosta Laura D’costa AVP - Marketing

With 300Mind, our character concepts came to life. The team captured the essence of our ideas, turning them into visually striking characters at the heart of our game.

chris warne Chris Warne Creative Head

We hired 3D artists from 300Mind for game modeling and animation. They not only met but also suggested enhancements for an improved gaming experience.

padro vasquez Padró Vasquez Game Artist

Experts at 300Mind are quite knowledgeable and creative thinkers, who understood our game environment requirements and facilitated us with alluring concepts.

santiago ríos Santiago Ríos Sr. Game Concept Artist

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the common queries about the 3D game development services we provide that have solved the initial concerns of our many clients:

Outsourcing 3D game development offers various benefits. To begin with, you gain access to top-notch skills without the hassle of hiring and training an in-house team. Additionally, it reduces time to market and provides flexibility to adjust team size based on your project’s needs. The development team is up-to-date with the latest industry trends, technologies, and tools, bringing fresh ideas and creative solutions to the table, and more.

The cost of 3D game development can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the complexity of the game, the number of features and levels, the level of detail in graphics and animation, the platform(s) it will be developed for, the size/composition/experience of the development team, engagement model, the duration of the project, and more.

Our game development team is dedicated to delivering high-quality 3D games belonging to a wide range of popular genres, including Sandbox, First-Person Shooter, RPGs, Action-Adventure, Sports, Strategy, Simulation, and more.

Itd be an honor to work on your 3D game development project! To start your game development project with 300Mind, please follow the following steps:

  • First of all - gather all your game product design requirements for us to cater to
  • Fill out the Contact Us form or directly email us your project requirements
  • Once our executives receive your project details, they begin the exploration phase on it and schedule a call/meeting with your team to come up with mutual agreements with service and cost discussions
  • Once with all agreements, we’ll align our game developers to start working on your project within 48-72 hours

Yes, our game development team has hands-on experience in developing 3D games for various platforms, including PC, console, mobile, and AR/VR, to ensure that the game offers optimal performance and compatibility across platforms of your choice.

When hiring a 3D game development studio, here are the criteria on which you can evaluate the company to ensure a successful partnership and the realization of your game projects vision: expertise/experience, proficiency in the latest technologies/tools, effective communication, transparent project tracking, transparency in billing, and more.

Yes! We have a dedicated in-house game marketing team that collaborates closely with our motion graphic designers to create promotional materials such as teasers and trailers for your games.

We understand that your 3D game vision is unique and would require a personalized development approach, which is why the estimated timeline may vary. The factors that would impact the 3D game development time include the complexity of gameplay mechanics, levels, and features, the number and complexity of characters, animations, and objects, the size and experience of the development team, customization requirements, testing, and more.