Grid Layout Design

Best Practices to Follow

What is a Grid Layout Design?

The website grid is a method of arranging content on a page, as well as generating alignment and order. It act as the skeleton or fundamental framework of user interface.

Types of Grid Layouts

There are five types of layout grids: 1. Column Grid 2. Manuscript Grid 3. Modular Grid 4. Hierarchical Grid 5. Baseline Grid

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1. Column Grid

These are made up of columns and are used to organize multiple components.

2. Manuscript Grid

It is always present in a Word document or a presentation template.

3. Modular Grid

It is similar to a column grid but use to organize more elements.

4. Hierarchical Grid

A freestyle grid where pieces are “spontaneously” arranged among the columns and rows.

5. Baseline Grid

A baseline is a line on which text is placed.

Key Benefits of Using Grid Layout

There are many benefits of using a grid layout: - Efficiency & Consistency - Clarity and Order - Quicker Process - Easy to Modify

Best Practices of Using Grids in Design

Here are our four best practices to follow: - Select the Needed Grid - Keep Constraints in Mind - Grids for Mobile - Pay Attention to Vertical & Horizontal Spacing

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Select the Grid That’s Needed

When selecting a grid, choose one with the number of columns that your design requires.

Keep Constraints in Mind

Keeping constraints in mind helps you to concentrate on what is truly essential to your users.

Pay Attention to Spacing

Paying attention to horizontal and vertical rhythms makes the overall structure cleaner.

Grids for Mobile

When designing for mobile adopt a tile layout grid with the same column and row heights.

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